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20 Will Buman_Outdoor Life Photo.PNG
November 15, 1920, William A_edited.jpg

William A. Buman Family Photo Collection

This photo gallery consists of the 500+ photos from William A. Buman's 1920 hunting trip to Yukon.  His journey started June 29 departing by railroad from Tennant, Iowa to Seattle, Washington; then by boat up the Inside Passage to Skagway, Alaska; by rail to Whitehorse, Yukon; by wagon to Bear Creek, Yukon; by pack-train down the Dezadeash River, up the Kaskawulsh River, across Kaskawulsh Glacier, down the Slims River, north along Kluane Lake, west across the Donjek River, up Wolverine Creek, down Harris Creek, and west to the Generc River and the Klutlan Glacier; returning home on October 24 by mostly the same route.


Many of the photos have a caption and a date.  Some photos have just a caption or a date.  And others have no information.


If you have information that would add to the photo captions, if you know any information about the members of the hunting party (or their families), or you can add to the story in any way,  we would appreciate your input. Please feel free to submit comments to the following address:

The Journey North

July 1, 1920 - August 1, 1920
The Journey North Start
The Hunt

The Hunt

August 3, 1920 - September 24, 1920
Returning Home

Returning Home

September 25, 1920 - November 1, 1920
Undated Photos

Undated Photos

Insert explanation here.