Travel Journal
Entries from the
of William Buman
June 29, 1920 - October 24, 1920
Returning Home

September 25, 1920
September 26, 1920
September 27, 1920
September 28, 1920
September 29, 1920
September 30, 1920
October 1, 1920
October 2, 1920
October 3, 1920
October 4, 1920
October 5, 1920
October 6, 1920
October 7, 1920
October 8, 1920
October 9, 1920
October 10, 1920
October 11, 1920
October 12, 1920
October 13, 1920
October 14, 1920
October 15, 1920
October 16, 1920
October 17, 1920
October 18, 1920
October 19, 1920
October 20, 1920
October 21, 1920
October 22, 1920
October 23, 1920
"We move camp and see a bear as we were going down Wolverine Creek but do not get a shot. We cross the Donjek River. Billie Armstrong with the Melbare outfit were camped here and Baxter gets a piece of pie and a cup of tea and as we had not had the makings for a pie in our camp for some time. This pie made a great hit with Baxter. As we were going up through the timber above the Donjeck River I was surprised to see a fellow taking movies of us. Caraway said it was Dr. Jones and I said
9 it was not. I was under the impression that Jones was anolder man. We later learned it was Willie Alder from the Academy of Science of Los Angeles. We past Morley Bone's outfit in the afternoon and I notice he has good looking horses and good pack saddles. We make camp on Maple Creek We started at 8:45, stopped 4:40."
"We move camp a mile above Burwash Landing on Kluane Lake. Start at 8:30, camp at 4:30. We walk down to Bur-wash Landing after supper and meet Dr. Jones, hunter, Mr. Alder, the movie man, and Mr. Elie, a taxidermist."
"Mike Knowles left us this morning. I sure do hate to leave Mike as I sure did like him. We move from 11:15 to 4:35. We camp on Kluane Lake. We have lots of trouble with the packs today and we sure miss Mike for he was a good packer."
"We move camp to Sheep Creek. Started at 8:45, stopped at 4:30. It snowed all day and we get wet through. We have lots of trouble with the packs today. We camped in a deserted cabin to-night."
"There was 1½ feet of wet snow so Baxter decided to lay over today. Dr. Jones outfit visited over at our cabin. I met Frank Sketch and Louie Jacquot. In the afternoon I walked down to Slims River and took some pictures of Dr. Jones outfit fording the river. I got all the food that Jones’s outfit could spare."
"Move camp. Start 9:30. Camped at 4:30. We ford Slim’s River 3 times. As we were going up on the west side we see Dixon's outfit going down on the east side about 2 miles away. We camp on the O’Conner River"
"Move from 9:15 to 5:15. It Snowed almost all day. We get our goat heads which we cached August 8th. We stay in a deserted miner's cabin on Ferguson Creek which has platinum on it."
"It took Bill, John and Baxter a couple hours to find the horses so we do not get started until 10:40. We reach Bear Creek at 4:50. Poor Tootsie (a horse) gave out about 2 miles before we got in. Roy takes the shoes off all the horses. It was stormy all day."
"I pack my duffle in forenoon and shave in the afternoon. John and Roy drive the horses across Pine Creek. Pete bakes bread in forenoon and a dish pan of donuts after supper. It was stormy all day."
"John and Roy drive all the horses except Luck and Ginger up above Cannon where they were left for the winter. At 7:00 A. M. Graham and I start to walk to Cannon - 28 miles away. After about 12 miles Graham gives out and stops at Marshall Creek to wait for the wagon. He waits till 3:30 and thinks the wagon
10 might not come so he starts for Cannon 16 miles away. He ties a string to one foot and lifts his played out leg with his hand. I reach Cannon at 4 P.M. The wagon started at 9 A.M. and got in at 8:45."
"John, Roy and I walk to Champagne - 24 miles away at 6:45. We rest at Big Bend about 20 minutes at 10:30. I reach Champagne at 13:20. Wagon starts at 7 A.M. and arrives at 8:00 P.M. We get supper and breakfast at Champagne and as we were short of grub for about 6 weeks we sure did feast. Graham and I, escorted by John , go to Indian town after supper and we each buy a buckskin coat."
"We left John, the Indian at Champagne as this was where he lived. I did not get started till 10 A.M. for Stony Creek - 19 miles away. Peter walked with me in the forenoon 7 miles to a place called Jo Jo's where we stopped from 12:05 to 1:50 and had dinner. 1 slice of bread and balance meat. In afternoon Caraway, Roy and Bill start for Stony Creek - 12 miles butCaraway and Roy give out and drop back. So Bill and I go alone. We reach Stony Creek at 5:20. We start a fire in an old log cabin and heat some water."
"I walk to Takeena 24 miles away at 6:30. Graham and Roy catch me on the road about 3 hours after I started. We make a fire and dry our feet and socks about 30 minutes. We reach Tekeena roadhouse at 3 P.M. We get two more square meals here from Jimmie Adams Prop."
"I start for Whitehorse, 22 miles, at 6:45. After walking 16 miles, Bill catches up with me so we walk together. We reach his cabin at 12:30 where we waited for the wagon and I rode the last 3 miles to town. The first thing we did was get is our mail, and then had dinner. We went to a telegraph office next. We all took baths and got hair cuts. We slept in the hotel in a real bed tonight."
"We spend today in Whitehorse clearing our stuff. I buy a Lynx paw robe from Shorty Chambers. I also had his squaw make me a pair of moccasins."
"We crate our trophies and pack our duffle in forenoon. In the evening we hunters give a banquet for our guides, etc. There were 42 present. Melbane was toastmaster."
"We leave White horse at 9:30. The whole town was down at the depot to bid us goodbye. We reach Skagway at 5:30 and see some real cows near town. We register at the Golden North Hotel. We clear our baggage before supper."
"Rains all day. We recheck our baggage in the fore-noon. Pat and I spend the evening at Father Gallant's home and have a real nice time."
"I sold my rifles today. We sail on the Princess Alice for Vancouver at 11 P.M."
"We stop 1 hour in the morning at Juneau. I send wireless off of boat to Anne. We stop 1 hour at Wrangell about 10 P.M. Caraway and I walk up town to see John Fannin."
"In the morning we stop at Ketchikan and take on 100 tons of frozen halibut. In the evening we stop at Prince Rupert for about 1 hour. This is the town where you have to climb large numbers of flights of steps to go up town from the docks. I walked up to the Central Hotel and saw a lot of moose, sheep andcaribou heads."
"We stop at Swanson Bay and take on a lot of pulp pa-per. I went through the pulp mill and saw mill."
"We reach Vancouver at 4:30 P.M. in a rain. Graham, Pat, Ely and I walk up town and see the town. We sail at 11 P.M. on the Princess Victoria for Seattle."
"We reach Seattle at 7:30 A.M. We clear our hand baggage and transfer our baggage to the train depot. I get my mail at hotel Frye . I say goodbye to Graham, Caraway and Pat in the depot and leave at 8:30 on the Great Northern Railroad for Wenatchee, Wash. I reach there at 3:38 P.M. in a downpour of rain and after walking all over town I finally locate my sister, Anne. We spent the evening in her office."
"Anne and I drive to Chelan - 80 miles. See wonderful apple orchards. We stop at the Pyle home on our way back and Mr. Pyle showed me how they graded and packed apples. Dr. and Mrs. Everret have supper with Anne and me at Peter Pans."
"Anne and I drive to Cashmere in the afternoon. After supper we visit at the Shepard home."
"Leave on the Great Northern Railroad for Minneapolis at 2:20 A.M. I spend all day on train going through Washington, Idaho, and Montana. It rained all day and snowed in the mountains."
"On train going through Montana, North Dakota. Rained almost all day."
"I reached Minneapolis at9 A.M. Theda, a cousin of mine, met me at the depot and took me to Roy's office. I stayed down town with Roy and had dinner with him. Then he took me over to his mill . We af-terward drove out to the house and got Theda and George and went for a drive. We came back and had supper and then they took me to the train. I left at 6:50P.M. on The Chicago Great Western Railroad for Tennant, Iowa."
October 24, 1920
"I reached Tennant at 6:17 A.M. and walk out home."