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Travel Journal

Entries from the

of William Buman

June 29, 1920 - October 24, 1920

The Journey North

June 29, 1920

July 01, 1920, Main Street of Riverton, WY,_.jpg

June 30, 1920

July 2, 1920

July 3, 1920

July 4, 1920

July 5, 1920

July 6, 1920

July 7, 1920

July 8, 1920

July 9, 1920

July 10, 1920

July 11, 1920

July 12, 1920

July 13, 1920

July 14, 1920

July 15, 1920

July 16, 1920

July 17, 1920

July 18, 1920

July 19, 1920

July 20, 1920

July 21, 1920

July 22, 1920

July 23, 1920

July 24, 1920

July 25, 1920

July 26, 1920

July 27, 1920

July 28, 1920

July 29, 1920

July 30, 1920

July 31, 1920

August 1, 1920

"I left Tennant by train at 6:21 A.M. Met Pat Flaherty at Union train depot in Omaha. Left for Riverton, Wyoming at 3:45 via North Western Railroad."

"Reached Riverton 10 P.M. Caraway and Graham met us at station. Took Graham home and went in his house for a half hour or so."

"Drove about 130 miles to Sinks, Lander and Ft. Washakie in Caraway's Hudson Speeder. Met Charlie Moore at Ft. Washakie. A fine fellow."

"We had dinner with Mr. Graham at the Teton Hotel. We drove out to Graham's ranch in afternoon. Saw capons caring for baby chicks. Drove out in Graham's Cadillac Victoria - Had 6:00 dinner at Graham's home."

"Went to Ft. Washakie in Cadillac. (Miss Roberts driver) saw Indian races and ball game. Wild ride home in Hudson Speedster (Pat driving). Graham gets his head skinned on car top going over rough place."

"Left Riverton for Seattle 8:50. (We had a hard time getting Caraway ready in time for train.) North Western to Shoshoni, auto stage to Bonneville. C.B. & Q Railroad to Billings, Mont. and Northern Pacific to Seattle."

"Spent on train going through Montana, part of Idaho. Entered Washington in evening - stopped at Spokane for 30 minutes. Mr. & Mrs. Caraway, Mrs. Graham and I walked up town about ten blocks."

"Arrived in Seattle a 8 A.M. (one of Mrs. Cooper's bags got lost at the station) We stopped at the Hotel Frye. I tried to phone my sister, Anne. Hank Linbisky, a friend of Pat's had supper with us at the Frye."

"I tried again to phone Anne. I met Miss Weick and Ruth at Hotel Frye. In the afternoon we drove around the city in a Packard twin six. Took the Boulevard drive and saw lots of beautiful flowers. Also went to the park and saw the bears."

"I again tried to phone Anne with no result. Did some shopping. Caraway, Graham and I each had our pictures taken at Muskiet's Studio"

"We sailed on the S.S.Jefferson at 9 A.M. for Skagway, Alaska. Hard time getting all of our crowd on the boat. Day was foggy. Went through narrow pass."

"I watched a whale with my glasses. Also saw some porpoises. Rabbi Wise of New York gave services in evening."

"Stopped at Roe Point Cannery (not in operation) I slept from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. Stopped for 1 hour at Ketchikan at 10 P.M. It was a very pretty place with nice clean refreshment and souvenir stores".

"We stopped at Wrangell. Met Jno Famming & saw a lot of fur."

"Boat stopped at Typus Bay and unloaded and loaded a lot of freight. We went through a salmon cannery in operation. Everything very clean. Workmen wore rubber gloves. After going through cannery, I climbed up a mountain a ways and saw a large number of small trees growing in old rotten logs and trees several feet off the ground. Reached Juneau at 10 P.M. Telephoned Geo Folte (Sec. to Gov.) Met him at office and bought our Alaska License. I read the Ladies Home Journal at 12 P.M. out on the deck without aid of light. Beautiful northern Lights."

"Reached Skagway at 12:30 P.M. We all went on an excursion to Lake Bennett. We saw dead horse gulch on our way up, Also Pitch Fork Falls. We saw the S.S.Jefferson start on her return trip to Seattle. Stayed at the Pullen House while in Skagway. Met Lew Pullen, a fine fellow."

"We left at 9 A.M. for White Horse, Y.T. (110 miles) via White Pass R.R.. We saw Mr. Webb of Texas (Nanny goat Webb) on the train, also Nick 0’Brine of Carcross, We reached W.Horse about 5:30 P.M. Met Chas. Baxter at depot. Registered at the Commercial Hotel. Baxter took us to Club rooms after supper where we met Mr. Cash. Also spent about a half hour at the dance. Same building as club rooms."

"We spent a little time at the club rooms in afternoon. Had 6 o'clock dinner at Baxter's home. After supper we hired Bob Palmer and Dodge to drive us up the Yukon River 6 miles where we caught 27 graylings."

"I went to 9:30 Mass and had 11:30 breakfast at Baxter's home. We ate fried grayling. Best fish I ever ate. I saw S.S. White Horse come in from down the Yukon River. In the evening Caraway and I attended services at the Church of England."

"I had breakfast at 9:30, then I bought my Yukon hunting license and paid Baxter. Then I helped Caraway develop films in the afternoon."

"I met Mr. M. D. Snodgrass (Supt of U. S. Agric Station at Fairbanks). We had breakfast together. I met Shorty Austin while eating supper. I walked out to shooting grounds in evening."

"Saw train come in. I left for safe keeping at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, my watch and balance of my travelers checks. Left my suit and hat at Taylor and Ducy to be cleaned and pressed"

"We left at 10:15 with 1 buckboard, 1 wagon load of stuff, 4 hunters, 2 guides, 1 cook and 1 wrangler. Out about 3 miles a loose tire on wagon caused some trouble, about 12:30 we broke the right rear wheel on the buckboard. Baxter rode back to town for a new wheel and when it arrived it did not fit so it had to be sent back and refitted. Bill, Marshall and I reached Tahkini Roadhouse at 10:15. Jimmie Adams, Prop."

"I see dead bear near by on river bank. We swim the loose horses across the river and ferry the balance across. We reach Stony Creek in evening. Baxter catches some fish. Pat and I bath after supper - mosquitoes galore."

"I wrangled horses. We reached Champagne in afternoon. Shorty Chambers lives here. He is a ‘squaw man’. Pat and I walk down to Dezadeash River bank and shave. Supper cooked by Chamber's squaw. Good. some fine raison pie. This was my first Indian meal. Caraway gets White bread and locked in blacksmith shop."

"Dinner at Big-bend on the Dezadeash River, Cannon River at night. Pat and I bathed in evening. I caught my 1st fish in Canon River."

"Dinner at Marshall Creek. Large fires to right and lots of snow-caps to the left. Reached Bear Creek at night."

"Graham and I fish in forenoon. We caught 28 grayling, and were late for dinner. We do target practice in afternoon. We ate Fish and cake for supper."

"Pat and I wash our clothes in the afternoon. Graham and I win 2 out of 3 games of horseshoe in evening with Caraway and Roy."

"​I fished from 1:15 to 5:30 and caught 30 grayling. We had cornbread for supper. Pat and Graham clip their heads in evening. Played horseshoe after supper."

"We target our rifles in forenoon. Pat and Caraway have some argument on Ross rifle at noon. Graham, Caraway and I sew a patch tent all afternoon. Jelly-roll for supper. We play horseshoe after supper."

"Go for walk to foot of Mountain. Get lost? See moose tracks Pack duffle and shoot 22 revolver in afternoon. Bear stories in eve."

"Hunt horses all forenoon, 10 head are lost. Roy brings in 5 at 11:30. We start to put on pack saddles at 2 P.M. Kid steps on Roy's foot. John brings in two horses at 4:20 P.M. 2 still lost. Roy goes towards Canon and see tracks but no horses. He gets back at 11:P.M."

"Baxter hunts horses all forenoon - Cernick out all day and night. I help hunt in afternoon and see tracks but no horses. Baxter sees bear. We had donuts for supper."

July 01, 1920, Main Street of Riverton, WY,_.jpg

June 29, 1920

June 30, 1920

July 2, 1920

July 3, 1920

July 4, 1920

July 5, 1920

July 6, 1920

July 7, 1920

July 8, 1920

July 9, 1920

July 10, 1920

July 11, 1920

July 12, 1920

July 13, 1920

July 14, 1920

July 15, 1920

July 16, 1920

July 17, 1920

July 18, 1920

July 19, 1920

July 20, 1920

July 21, 1920

July 22, 1920

July 23, 1920

July 24, 1920

July 25, 1920

July 26, 1920

July 27, 1920

July 28, 1920

July 29, 1920

July 30, 1920

July 31, 1920

August 1, 1920

August 2, 1920

"I left Tennant by train at 6:21 A.M. Met Pat Flaherty at Union train depot in Omaha. Left for Riverton, Wyoming at 3:45 via North Western Railroad."

"Reached Riverton 10 P.M. Caraway and Graham met us at station. Took Graham home and went in his house for a half hour or so."

"Drove about 130 miles to Sinks, Lander and Ft. Washakie in Caraway's Hudson Speeder. Met Charlie Moore at Ft. Washakie. A fine fellow."

"We had dinner with Mr. Graham at the Teton Hotel. We drove out to Graham's ranch in afternoon. Saw capons caring for baby chicks. Drove out in Graham's Cadillac Victoria - Had 6:00 dinner at Graham's home."

"Went to Ft. Washakie in Cadillac. (Miss Roberts driver) saw Indian races and ball game. Wild ride home in Hudson Speedster (Pat driving). Graham gets his head skinned on car top going over rough place."

"Left Riverton for Seattle 8:50. (We had a hard time getting Caraway ready in time for train.) North Western to Shoshoni, auto stage to Bonneville. C.B. & Q Railroad to Billings, Mont. and Northern Pacific to Seattle."

"Spent on train going through Montana, part of Idaho. Entered Washington in evening - stopped at Spokane for 30 minutes. Mr. & Mrs. Caraway, Mrs. Graham and I walked up town about ten blocks."

"Arrived in Seattle a 8 A.M. (one of Mrs. Cooper's bags got lost at the station) We stopped at the Hotel Frye. I tried to phone my sister, Anne. Hank Linbisky, a friend of Pat's had supper with us at the Frye."

"I tried again to phone Anne. I met Miss Weick and Ruth at Hotel Frye. In the afternoon we drove around the city in a Packard twin six. Took the Boulevard drive and saw lots of beautiful flowers. Also went to the park and saw the bears."

"I again tried to phone Anne with no result. Did some shopping. Caraway, Graham and I each had our pictures taken at Muskiet's Studio"

"We sailed on the S.S.Jefferson at 9 A.M. for Skagway, Alaska. Hard time getting all of our crowd on the boat. Day was foggy. Went through narrow pass."

"I watched a whale with my glasses. Also saw some porpoises. Rabbi Wise of New York gave services in evening."

"Stopped at Roe Point Cannery (not in operation) I slept from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. Stopped for 1 hour at Ketchikan at 10 P.M. It was a very pretty place with nice clean refreshment and souvenir stores".

"We stopped at Wrangell. Met Jno Famming & saw a lot of fur."

"Boat stopped at Typus Bay and unloaded and loaded a lot of freight. We went through a salmon cannery in operation. Everything very clean. Workmen wore rubber gloves. After going through cannery, I climbed up a mountain a ways and saw a large number of small trees growing in old rotten logs and trees several feet off the ground. Reached Juneau at 10 P.M. Telephoned Geo Folte (Sec. to Gov.) Met him at office and bought our Alaska License. I read the Ladies Home Journal at 12 P.M. out on the deck without aid of light. Beautiful northern Lights."

"Reached Skagway at 12:30 P.M. We all went on an excursion to Lake Bennett. We saw dead horse gulch on our way up, Also Pitch Fork Falls. We saw the S.S.Jefferson start on her return trip to Seattle. Stayed at the Pullen House while in Skagway. Met Lew Pullen, a fine fellow."

"We left at 9 A.M. for White Horse, Y.T. (110 miles) via White Pass R.R.. We saw Mr. Webb of Texas (Nanny goat Webb) on the train, also Nick 0’Brine of Carcross, We reached W.Horse about 5:30 P.M. Met Chas. Baxter at depot. Registered at the Commercial Hotel. Baxter took us to Club rooms after supper where we met Mr. Cash. Also spent about a half hour at the dance. Same building as club rooms."

"We spent a little time at the club rooms in afternoon. Had 6 o'clock dinner at Baxter's home. After supper we hired Bob Palmer and Dodge to drive us up the Yukon River 6 miles where we caught 27 graylings."

"I went to 9:30 Mass and had 11:30 breakfast at Baxter's home. We ate fried grayling. Best fish I ever ate. I saw S.S. White Horse come in from down the Yukon River. In the evening Caraway and I attended services at the Church of England."

"I had breakfast at 9:30, then I bought my Yukon hunting license and paid Baxter. Then I helped Caraway develop films in the afternoon."

"I met Mr. M. D. Snodgrass (Supt of U. S. Agric Station at Fairbanks). We had breakfast together. I met Shorty Austin while eating supper. I walked out to shooting grounds in evening."

"Saw train come in. I left for safe keeping at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, my watch and balance of my travelers checks. Left my suit and hat at Taylor and Ducy to be cleaned and pressed"

"We left at 10:15 with 1 buckboard, 1 wagon load of stuff, 4 hunters, 2 guides, 1 cook and 1 wrangler. Out about 3 miles a loose tire on wagon caused some trouble, about 12:30 we broke the right rear wheel on the buckboard. Baxter rode back to town for a new wheel and when it arrived it did not fit so it had to be sent back and refitted. Bill, Marshall and I reached Tahkini Roadhouse at 10:15. Jimmie Adams, Prop."

"I see dead bear near by on river bank. We swim the loose horses across the river and ferry the balance across. We reach Stony Creek in evening. Baxter catches some fish. Pat and I bath after supper - mosquitoes galore."

"I wrangled horses. We reached Champagne in afternoon. Shorty Chambers lives here. He is a ‘squaw man’. Pat and I walk down to Dezadeash River bank and shave. Supper cooked by Chamber's squaw. Good. some fine raison pie. This was my first Indian meal. Caraway gets White bread and locked in blacksmith shop."

"Dinner at Big-bend on the Dezadeash River, Cannon River at night. Pat and I bathed in evening. I caught my 1st fish in Canon River."

"Dinner at Marshall Creek. Large fires to right and lots of snow-caps to the left. Reached Bear Creek at night."

"Graham and I fish in forenoon. We caught 28 grayling, and were late for dinner. We do target practice in afternoon. We ate Fish and cake for supper."

"Pat and I wash our clothes in the afternoon. Graham and I win 2 out of 3 games of horseshoe in evening with Caraway and Roy."

"​I fished from 1:15 to 5:30 and caught 30 grayling. We had cornbread for supper. Pat and Graham clip their heads in evening. Played horseshoe after supper."

"We target our rifles in forenoon. Pat and Caraway have some argument on Ross rifle at noon. Graham, Caraway and I sew a patch tent all afternoon. Jelly-roll for supper. We play horseshoe after supper."

"Go for walk to foot of Mountain. Get lost? See moose tracks Pack duffle and shoot 22 revolver in afternoon. Bear stories in eve."

"Hunt horses all forenoon, 10 head are lost. Roy brings in 5 at 11:30. We start to put on pack saddles at 2 P.M. Kid steps on Roy's foot. John brings in two horses at 4:20 P.M. 2 still lost. Roy goes towards Canon and see tracks but no horses. He gets back at 11:P.M."

"Baxter hunts horses all forenoon - Cernick out all day and night. I help hunt in afternoon and see tracks but no horses. Baxter sees bear. We had donuts for supper."

July 25
June 29
July 3
July 6
July 8
July 11
July 15
July 16
July 17
July 19
July 30
August 2
Augut 1
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